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Rescheduling interviews

By September 14, 2017No Comments

The universal philosophy is “treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself.”  In job hunting terms this could refer to a situation in which an interview has been arranged for you.  If the date or time need to be changed, it would never be appropriate to attempt to reschedule at the last moment or by emailing the agency or the client.


However, twice this morning we have experienced this lack of professionalism, or putting it another way, a lack of respect for human beings involved in the process.  Specifically, two candidates cancelled interviews for two separate vacancies by way of terse email shortly before the scheduled interview.  No specific reasons were offered in the messages. Of course, there could be genuine reasons, but on a human and professional level we would expect a candidate to call to explain.  One of the candidates asked in the email if the interview could be rescheduled due to an “unavoidable” situation.  Due to the lack of explanation, the inconsiderate timing, and the fact that it was email rather than phone, the client’s response was predictable: we have withdrawn all interest in this candidate.


So turning this issue into a positive way forward; if you are a candidate and you do need to reschedule am interview be minded of the following advice.


1 – Pick up the telephone.  Close down your email.

2 – Avoid rescheduling an interview within 24 hours of the event.

4 – Don’t hide behind meaningless excuses like “family emergency” or “something unavoidable.”

5 – Remember that you are dealing with human beings who have feelings and that you recognise that time in business hours given up for interview is precious.


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