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There’s always a silver lining

By September 24, 2019No Comments

We are all disappointed to learn about the collapse of Thomas Cook.  It was as much an institution as were many of the other high street brands lost to us over recent years.  Hunters offer our condolences to all hard working Thomas Cook staff who will be devastated by this news.

It got us thinking that the job market is ever changing.  Successful companies re-invent themselves, other companies just come to the end of their economic life, but the employment market is usually robust yet ever changing.  As an example of this, my sister-in-law put out a post on social media today which we endorse and which should offer hope to work seekers:

“Our business was on a verge of closing down just a few months ago.
Then an announcement of the the sale our business and 19 store closures (including Worthing that I managed for nearly 5 years) hit me hard!

However we had a great boss that was a future thinker and predicted that boring retail was dead and invested heavily in future proofing our company.

Now, that we have an investor that sees the future in the way the company is going and all the stores are staying open ????

With this in mind and with an amazing customer service and passion for people that Thomas Cook staff have, it would be a shame not to put you forward for interviews.

Please do contact me if you are looking for:
– a customer facing role,
– would like to learn about wine (all training and liquid provided ????),
– got clean driving licence,
– enjoying a fast pace environment but can motivate yourself, when working alone.

There are possibilities for full and part timers for managers and sales assistants and more.

It doesn’t have to be your dream career but at least will ensure the living wage (at least) for now and gives you a great experience.

Recruiting nationally, so please share with anyone who could be interested.”

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