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How to get my dream job

By May 18, 2012No Comments

Top Tip 1 – Write your cv with your potential employer in mind.


It is paramount that you are always completely honest with the information you provide on your cv, but it is equally important that you write with your potential employer in mind.  This means that you should consider the personal agenda of this potential employer.  Here’s the golden but sinister truth: the employer will have a negative agenda.  Sorry, but employers are searching for reasons not to hire you.  Therefore, avoid giving any reasons not to hire you.  With this in mind, here are some practical considerations.


Location, Location, Location – if you were employing staff you would ideally like your employees within an easy commuting distance of work.  If travel is not onerous they are more likely to remain motivated and with you for the long term.  If you are a driver with your own transport then make this clear on your cv; you are more likely to make it into work and be punctual.


Flexible Friends – ‘flexibility’ is crucial, so avoid putting any barriers in the way of employment.  Indeed, we much prefer the applicant who is willing to ‘go the extra mile’ than one who needs to ‘get back for the kids/dog/hamster.’  The employee must be seen to serve employer first; all other factors are secondary.


Don’t be a bore – I receive so many cvs that I can hardly read.  Some are poorly formatted, others are strewn with errors (check that your spell check is English, not American), other cvs are presented in the most boring or unreadable fonts known to humanity.  ARIAL is a sensible font, and ideally size ’11.’  AVOID CAPITALISATION – we all dislike being shouted at.  How I yawn as I read work histories that are essentially itemised ob descriptions.  Please, less description more job successes, then you have my interest.


What do most employers’ look for?  Fantastic attendance; impeccable punctuality; overwhelming enthusiasm; outgoing and positive personalities; amazing references.  My cv will boast that I have only had 5 sick days in 16 years employment, and it is balanced with positive adjectives throughout.  Above all, it emphasizes that I am an enthusiastic and flexible team-player.  When I send an application, I send a sound bite from a recent reference or testimonial about my work.


If your cv sets you apart from the rest, and if you are cognisant of the subtle tricks of job hunting, then your chances of success shoot upward.

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