Hunters have recently advertised a number of part time vacancies. In comparison to full time work, part time roles are less common, and when part time vacancies do come up we have found that our clients can often be specific as to the hours and days required. This means that it is helpful if candidates looking for part time work can be as flexible as possible.
When we considered the applications for these part time vacancies we were a little disappointed. Not only did just a small number of applicants include a covering note highlighting why they were suitable, but an even smaller number could explain why part time hours suited them in preference to full time. We believe that understanding why part time hours suit a person in preference to full time is absolutely essential in securing a part time role.
For example, we employ workers for early morning work who choose these hours to top up their full time or other employment. Other part time workers like to balance work alongside family commitments.
In conclusion, we’d like to share with you all the insight that if a person hopes to be successful in securing part time employment our ‘tip for success’ is to explain why time hours are preferred to full time hours. Clearly, we want to ensure that the employment is well-matched and long-lasting.